Aeschylus was an ancient Greek dramatist, and is considered the father of tragedy. He is thought to have written over 90 plays during his lifetime. Aeschylus was born in c. 525 BC in Eleusis, an area near Athens and he likely served as a soldier before beginning to write plays. His works often focus on themes such as justice, retribution, and human suffering. Aeschylus’ most well-known works include The Oresteia trilogy, which consists of Agamemnon, The Libation Bearers, and the Eumenides. His other notable plays include Seven Against Thebes and Prometheus Bound. Aeschylus won numerous awards during his lifetime, and remains one of the most acclaimed Greek dramatists to this day. His works have been adapted for stage and screen many times over the centuries. By exploring timeless themes in his plays, Aeschylus has cemented his place as a major figure in classical literature.

Aeschylus died unexpectedly of a snake bite in c. 456 BC while on a trip to Sicily. He left behind an impressive legacy, having pioneered the development of tragic drama and influencing generations of playwrights that followed him. Aeschylus’ writing continues to captivate audiences around the world and his plays remain some of the most studied works from ancient Greece.